Category Europe

Legends Of The Sea: From Ibiza To Almeria

You think Ibiza is dead now? Well yeah, Covid-1984 kind of killed Ibiza. So as we make our way across the Mediterranean headed for the Atlantic aboard the SV Staatenlos, we won’t be partying it up on the island. But we…

Making Waves in Mallorca

You’ve now learned how the SY Staatenlos battled the stormy seas all the way from Montenegro to Mallorca. We faced many trials and tribulations, which climaxed when we were unwittingly involved in a faux-kidnapping drama that could have put us…

The Great Staatenlos Shanghaiing Hoax

Let’s be clear to start. This is not a post about going stateless in Shanghai.  I have partied it up in China before. But that was back when I was jet setting the world, rather than sailing the high seas…

Changing My Mind On Montenegro?

You’ve read about my metric mistake in Montenegro and the resulting crackdown the Staatenlos catamaran endured. In the age of Covid-1984, me venturing to Montenegro constitutes “high-risk” travel (learn more about that at the bottom of this post). So it…